$ 12.00$ 60.00

Pekoe Dust Tea is a Ceylon CTC tea. It is made using unorthodox CTC processing method. It is a tea grade that bews quickly and gives a stronger liquor.

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CTC PD – Pekoe Dust Tea is manufactured using an Unorthodox Black tea processing method known as CTC, which refers to ‘Cut Tear Curl’ processing methods. Tea leaves and tips are cut into tiny particles and then curled into smaller granular particles. Similar to CTC BP1 and PF1 but has smaller granular particles similar to Orthodox manufactured Dust tea. This tea produces a much stronger liquor with a brighter cup. Due to it’s quick brewing characteristic this tea is used for tea bags. Also this grade is popular for Chai blends.

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25g, 70g, 142g, 200g, 450g